[Once George Bush and President Jacques Chirac - Hariri's close personal
friend - pushed through UN Security Council resolution 1559, calling for
Syrian military withdrawal from Lebanon, Damascus found itself facing a
miniature version of Saddam Hussein's predicament in 2003: submit to UN
resolutions or else. . . .
That this also served Israel's interests - a substantially demilitarised
Lebanon, the disarmament of the Hizbollah guerrilla movement and the
humiliation of Syria - was never allowed to become part of the
narrative.--Robert Fisk, "A Battlefield for the
Wars of Others," The Independent, February 16, 2005]
[The assassination of Rafik Hariri, former Lebanese prime minister, is a
virtual propaganda bonanza for Israel and the United States and has resulted
in nearly unanimous finger pointing at Syria, even though it would be
excessively stupid for Syria to do such a thing, especially with the U.S.
and Israel beating the bushes, looking for any pretext to invade the
country.--Kurt Nimmo, "Rafik
al-Hariri and the Syria Blame Game," Information Clearing House, February 17, 2005]
Mike Whitney, "Assassinating
Al-Hariri Fits Washington's Plan," dissidentvoice.org, February 17, 2005
[Suspicion points at Lebanon's far rightist, anti-Syrian Maronites; Israel's
Mossad; or Syrian or Lebanese Islamists. All had interest in destabilizing
Lebanon and hurting Syria. Other suspects: rogue elements from one of
Syria's many competing security agencies; and business rivals of billionaire
Hariri, who was a brilliant but ruthless entrepreneur.--Eric Margolis, "Who Killed Rafik Hariri?," Toronto Sun, February 20,
[In appointing Negroponte, a career diplomat, Bush has brought a new and, to
many, unwelcome twist to the US war on terror. Coming on top of his
statement that he would support Israel if it mounted an attack against
Iran's nuclear facilities, and following recent talk of enforcing regime
change in Iran and Syria, it sends the signal that the US is entering a new
phase in its operations against those countries suspected of sponsoring
al-Qaeda and its allies.
Last week's assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri
is a good example of this approach.--Trevor Royle, "New Front in the War on Terror,"
Sunday Herald, February 20, 2005]
[The blowback from this atrocity, fully predictable, is Syria's isolation.
Hence, it makes no sense for Bashar to have done it. Nor is this his style.
Unlike his father, Bashar Assad has no history of ordering terror attacks.
. . . this atrocity has the look of a false-flag operation to goad a
volatile president into an attack on Syria. . . .
There is no vital U.S. interest in Lebanon. There is no vital U.S. interest
in the Gulf other than oil, which the Arabs and Iran have to sell to us and
wish to sell to us. No Arab nation has attacked the United States since the
Barbary pirates, and none wants war with America.--Patrick J.
Buchanan, "Baiting a
Trap for Bush?," Antiwar.com, February 21, 2005]
Zeina Karam, "Lebanese
Hold Historic Anti-Syrian March," Associated Press, February 21, 2005
Nicholas Blanford, "Syria hints at
pullout as Beirut protesters fill streets," The Times, February 21, 2005
Are we
seeing a repeat of the tactics used by the CIA fifty years ago to overthrow
the elected government of Iran, or the
tactics recently used by the US in Serbia, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine?
[The Taif equilibrium bound Israel to find a settlement with the
Palestinians toward which Israel's leadership was at best equivocal, because
that equilibrium neutralised Israeli freedom of action to unilaterally
define its role in the regional political economy. With the assassination of
Yitzhak Rabin and the assumption of power by Binyamin Netanyahu in the
mid-90s, equivocation became open hostility. The Israeli, or rather Zionist,
dilemma was and is really quite simple. A settlement with the Palestinians
and regional peace means openness, openness means Palestinian access to
Saudi funding, and Saudi funding plus the Palestinian birthrate spell the
end, ultimately, of an Israeli state defined by a Jewish as opposed to a
national identity.--Chris Sanders, "Deception," Sanders Research Associates, February 21, 2005]
[Not only would this scenario serve the interests of Israel, by helping it
achieve unfulfilled aspirations, but it also paves the way for an extension
of the American empire without the kind of European opposition encountered
in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It would be a contiguous American empire
stretching between the oil of the Caspian Sea and the bountiful wells of
Saudi Arabia.--Naseer H. Aruri, "Remapping the Middle
East: The Politics of Hariri's Assassination," CounterPunch, February
22, 2005]
"Lebanon's PM Says
His Government Resigns," Reuters, February 28, 2005
Saul Landau and Farrah Hassen, "How the White House
Stage Managed the "Get Syria" Movement: The 'Noble Liars' Attack Syria,"
CounterPunch, March 2, 2005
Leon Hadar, "From
Lebanon to Iraq and Back," Antiwar.com, March 5, 2005
Brian Whitaker, "Syrian
troops will pull out of Lebanon: US fury at unscheduled announcement of
'staggered' and partial withdrawal," Observer, March 6, 2005
Paul Craig Roberts, "Bush's Syrian
Delusion," Antiwar.com, March 8, 2005
Robert Fisk, "Half
a million gather for pro-Syrian rally to defy vision of US,"
Independent, March 9, 2005
[The anti-Syrian protests, dominated by the Christian and Druze minorities,
are not in fact calling for a genuine democracy at all, but for elections
under the long-established corrupt confessional carve-up, which gives the
traditionally privileged Christians half the seats in parliament and means
no Muslim can ever be president. . . .
It is not democracy, but the US military, that is on the march. The
Palestinian elections in January took place because of the death of Yasser
Arafat - they would have taken place earlier if the US and Israel hadn't
known that Arafat was certain to win them - and followed a 1996 precedent.
The Iraqi elections may have looked good on TV and allowed Kurdish and Shia
parties to improve their bargaining power, but millions of Iraqis were
unable or unwilling to vote, key political forces were excluded, candidates'
names were secret, alleged fraud widespread, the entire system designed to
maintain US control and Iraqis unable to vote to end the occupation. They
have no more brought democracy to Iraq than US-orchestrated elections did to
south Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s. As for the cosmetic adjustments by
regimes such as Egypt's and Saudi Arabia's, there is not the slightest sign
that they will lead to free elections, which would be expected to bring
anti-western governments to power.--Seumas Milne, "It is not
democracy that's on the march in the Middle East," Guardian, March 10, 2005]
[According to high-level Lebanese intelligence sources - Christian and
Muslim - former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was reportedly
assassinated in a sophisticated explosion-by-wire bombing authorized by the
Bush administration and Ariel Sharon's Likud government in Israel. . . .
Hariri, a pan-Arabist and Lebanese nationalist, was known to adamantly
oppose the construction of a major U.S. air base in the north of Lebanon. .
. .
Lebanese intelligence sources report that even without a formal agreement
with Lebanon, the contract for the northern Lebanese air base has been let
by the Pentagon to Jacobs Engineering Group of Pasadena, California. Other
construction support will be provided by Bechtel Corporation.--Wayne Madsen,
"Hariri reportedly assassinated to make way for large US air base
in Lebanon," Online Journal, March 11, 2005]
Robert Fisk, "UN
finds evidence of official cover-up in Hariri assassination,"
Independent, March 14, 2005
anti-Syria protest in 'tit-for-tat' rallies," Times Online, March 14,
Gary Leupp, "The
Neocon's Plan is Still on Track: Bush Strategy for Syria, Lebanon and
Iran," CounterPunch, March 15, 2005
[Eric Margolis, an astute columnist for the Toronto Sun, recently wrote that
bin Laden, not Bush, is "the man most responsible for pushing the Arab world
toward political change."--Jude Wanniski, "Gunboat
Democracy," CounterPunch, March 15, 2005]
Douglas Jehl, "Ex-Officials
Say Bolton Inflated Syrian Danger," New York Times, April 26, 2005
Douglas Jehl and Thom Shanker, "Syria Ending
Cooperation With U.S., Envoy Says," New York Times, May 24, 2005
[The decision to assassinate Hariri "could not have been taken without the
approval of top-ranked Syrian security officials and could not have been
further organized without the collusion of their counterparts in the
Lebanese security services," the report said.--Edith M. Lederer and Nick
Wadhams, "Syria
involved in killing Hariri, says UN," Associated Press, October 21, 2005]
MURDER CASE: The central witness in Mehlis report is a condemned cheat,"
Der Spiegel, October 22, 2005
Robert Parry, "The
Dangerously Incomplete Hariri Report," consortiumnews.com, October 23, 2005
[The Observer notes that Washington and Tel Aviv are hammering out the
details for a pipeline that will run through Syria and "create an endless
and easily accessible source of cheap Iraqi oil for the US guaranteed by
reliable allies other than Saudi Arabia". The pipeline "would transform
economic power in the region, bringing revenue to the new US-dominated Iraq,
cutting out Syria and solving Israel's energy crisis at a stroke."--Mike
Whitney, "
Assassinations in Lebanon; Pipelines in Haifa," Information Clearing
House, October 26, 2005]
["Steven Hadley, the director of the US National Security Council, called
the President of the Italian senate to ask if he had a candidate to replace
Bashar al-Asad as President of Syria."--Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, "UN's Mehlis
report discredited," Media Monitors Network, October 28, 2005]
Anthony Shadid, "Death of Syrian Minister Leaves A Sect Adrift in Time
of Strife," Washington Post, October 31, 2005
Greg Szymanski, "Possible
U.S. and Israeli Connection in Assassination of Rafiq Harari, the
Former Popular Lebanese Leader," arcticbeacon.com, November 5, 2005
[The trail of murder could also lead back to Beirut. Lebanon's shadowy
intelligence service, the Deuxieme Bureau, has long freelanced for foreign
powers. In the 1980's, it was reportedly hired by CIA to blow up Hizbullah's
leader with a truck bomb.--Eric Margolis, "SYRIA
ON THE BRINK," ericmargolis.com, November 7, 2005]
William M. Arkin, "Keeping Secrets in Jordan" Washington Post, November 16, 2005
Trish Schuh, "Mehlis's Murky
Past; US and Israeli Proxies Pushing the Next Neo-Con War: Faking
the Case Against Syria," CounterPunch, November 18, 2005
[Hussam Taher Hussam, said he had been held in Lebanon by supporters of Saad
Hariri, the son of the former prime minister, and subjected to torture and
drug injections to force him to testify. Saad Hariri, he said, offered him
$1.3 million if he would lie about senior Syrian officials.--Katherine
Zoepf, "Syrian Witness in U.N. Inquiry on Beirut Killing
Reports Bribes," New York Times, November 29, 2005]
Paul Craig Roberts, "US
Orders Syria to Do the Impossible," antiwar.com, January 25, 2006
[In response to an American appeal, Syria has arrested up to 8,000 Iraqi
insurgents inside its borders. In response to a plea by Washington, it is
cutting back on the assistance that the Iraqi rebels receive from inside
Aware that the highest levels of the Syrian security apparatus may be
impeached by the UN enquiry into Hariri's death, the Syrians are being
"responsible". The new and far more humble Belgian investigator gives no
press conferences - had you noticed this? - and makes no statements.
Silence, gentlemen, please.
Sure, Condi Rice goes on telling us that the truth will out. Wasn't Hariri
behind UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which told the Syrians to get
out of Lebanon? Wasn't that why he was murdered? I don't think he was behind
1559, though that might have been enough for the Syrian Baathist secret
police to assassinate him.--Robert Fisk, "By such
little things is a man betrayed," Independent, February 11, 2006]
[. . . there should have been multiple parallel directions of investigation,
from the start: Mossad, CIA, business partners [of Rafik Hariri] and exiled
Lebanese. That never happened.--Silvia Cattori, "The Assassination of
Rafik Hariri: A Biased Investigation," voltairenet.org, September 16,
Wayne Madsen, "French
intelligence reports Mossad was behind it" Wayne Madsen Report,
October 24, 2006
[Using the Salvador Option against Syria had first been raised by Newsweek
and the London Times in January, 2005. . . .
Fred Burton, in charge of counter-terrorism analysis at the Stratfor
website , was also suspicious. Burton, who spent over 20 years as a
counter-terrorism expert at the US State Department and the Secret Service,
has investigated most terror attacks against US Embassies abroad, as well
as the first World Trade Center bombing, and the murder of Israeli PM
Yitzhak Rabin. Stratfor's Burton also specialized in Syrian terror
operations and methods. He rejected both Syria and Hezbollah as the
perpetrators behind the Hariri killing. "Syria lacks the finesse," and the
"complex nature" of the remote-control technology needed to implement "the
surgical nature of the charge" are beyond their capacity, he insisted.
"This is not their style... and Hezbollah would not have this capability."
(UPI 6/27/05)
In the Hariri case, German critics claimed "the choice of Mehlis was done
because of his links to the German, American, French and Israeli
intelligence agencies." Lebanese news source libnen.com, and Le Figaro
reported that the British MI6 and Mossad have been supplying much of the UN
Commission's intelligence.--Trish Shuh, "Cakewalks,
Forgeries and Smoking Guns: The Salvador Option in Beirut"
counterpunch.org, February 8, 2007]
[Here is the crisis of the times as I see it: We talk about problems,
issues, policies, but we don't talk about what democracy means - what it
bestows on us - the revolutionary idea that it isn't just about the means of
governance but the means of dignifying people so they become fully free to
claim their moral and political agency. "I believe in Democracy because it
releases the energies of every human being." So spoke Woodrow Wilson--Bill
Moyers, "Discovering What Democracy
Means" TomPaine.com, February 12, 2007]
Rannie Amiri, "The
Hariri Assassination: Israel's Fingerprints Surface" counterpunch.org,
July 23, 2010
[Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri this week put an end to an ongoing
saga in his country's relationship with Syria, saying that the Syrians had
not killed his father, Rafik al-Hariri, on that fateful day on February 14,
2005.--Sami Moubayed, "Hariri
exonerates Syria over father's murder" atimes.com, September 10,
[Those witnesses, some being his most senior advisors, had lied under oath
and obstructed justice in the Hariri affair, with the aim of implicating
both Hezbollah and Syria. If Hariri made a u-turn on the STL, the opposition
promised to allow bygones to be bygones and declare a truce that would last
until the upcoming parliamentary elections took place in 2013.--Sami
Moubayed, "Hariri
backed wrong horse" counterpunch.org, January 29, 2011]
Chloe Domat, "UN trial clears Hezbollah and Syria of Hariri assassination"
middleeasteye.net, August 18, 2020