[Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, said the report
ignored the Bush administration's failure to disclose the location of the
burial site. "That is a clear violation of Articles 15 and 16 of the First
Geneva Convention,"--"U.S. Defends Burying
Iraqi Troops Alive," San Francisco Chronicle, July 1992]
[What went mostly unreported was that the Rambouillet accord had a secret
Annex B, which Madeleine Albright's delegation had inserted on the last day.
This demanded the military occupation of the whole of Yugoslavia, a country
with bitter memories of the Nazi occupation. As the Foreign Office minister
Lord Gilbert later conceded to a Commons' defense select committee, Annex B
was planted deliberately to provoke rejection by the government in Belgrade.
As the first bombs fell, the elected parliament in Belgrade, which included
some of Milosevic's fiercest opponents, voted overwhelmingly to reject it.
Equally revealing was a chapter dealing exclusively with the Kosovo economy.
This called for a "free-market economy" and the privatization of all
government assets.--"Winning and Losing
in Yugoslavia," The Wisdom Fund, June 6, 1999]
"Bush's Outrage Rings Hollow," The
Independent, March 25, 2003
Julian Borger, "U.S. Undermines
International Criminal Court," The Guardian, June 13, 2003
Julian Borger, "U.S. Military in Torture
Scandal," The Guardian, April 30, 2004
Tony Kevin, "Fallujah: All the Makings of a War
Crime", Sydney Morning Herald, November 6, 2004
"US Marine claims
unit killed Iraqi civilians," AFP, December 8, 2004
R. Jeffrey Smith and Dan Eggen, "New
Papers Suggest Detainee Abuse Was Widespread," Washington Post, December 21, 2004
Tom Stephens, "A
Chronology of US War Crimes & Torture, 1975-2005," CounterPunch, May 13,
[In dozens of top-secret talks and meetings in the White House, the most
senior Bush administration officials discussed and approved specific details
of how high-value al Qaeda suspects would be interrogated by the Central
Intelligence Agency, . . . included Vice President Cheney, former National
Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and
Secretary of State Colin Powell, as well as CIA Director George Tenet and
Attorney General John Ashcroft.--Jan Crawford Greenburg et al, "Sources: Top Bush Advisors
Approved 'Enhanced Interrogation'", April 9, 2008, ABC News]