[Rahul Mahajan is publisher of the blog Empire Notes and teaches at New York
University. He has been to Iraq twice and reported from Fallujah during the
siege in April. His latest book is "Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in
Iraq and Beyond."]
Enver Masud, "New Iraq
Constitution a Pretext for Exploitation," The Wisdom Fund, September 16,
[. . . he fell out with the Bush circle because he wanted free elections and
rejected an imposed programme of privatisation.--David Leigh, "General
Jay Garner sacked by Bush says he wanted early elections," Guardian,
March 18, 2004]
"Monitors sound
Afghan poll alert," BBC News, September 6, 2004
Dexter Filkins, "Top Shiite Cleric Is Said to Fear Voting in Iraq May Be Delayed,"
New York Times, September 23, 2004
David Rhode and Carlotta Gall, "The U.S.
Has a Favorite in Afghanistan," New York Times, September 26, 2004
Farnaz Fassihi, "A Journalist's Letter from
Iraq," The Wisdom Fund, September 30, 2004
Timothy J. Burger and Douglas Waller, "The Bush Administration takes heat
for a CIA plan to influence Iraq's elections," TIME, October 4, 2004
"US envoy accused of being the power pulling Karzai's
strings," The Australian, October 5, 2004
Jim Ingalls and Sonali Kolhatkar, "The Elections in
Afghanistan: A Test for Bush Not Afghans," CounterPunch, October 8, 2004
Colin Freeman, "Afghan election fiasco as Karzai
rivals pull out over fraud claims," Telegraph, October 10, 2004
Interview: "Christian
Parenti in Afghanistan: Saturday's Elections Were A "Farce"," Democracy Now,
October 12, 2004
[The United States-based group has conducted detailed research into the
darkest periods in recent Afghan history - the wars between 1978 and 2001 -
and accuses some of the most powerful men in the country of involvement in
murders, mass rapes, summary executions and indiscriminate rocketing and
bombing of civilians.
It also calls on the Western powers backing the Kabul government to apply
pressure against warlords, and accuses the US of helping discredited figures
back into power and re-arming them as allies in its fight against
al-Qa'ida.--Nick Meo, "Afghan warlords poised to take up
power," October 14, 2004]
Mohamad Bazzi, "Bush said no to plan to send Muslim
peacekeepers to Iraq to help UN organize elections," Newsday, October
18, 2004
Thalif Deen, "US Wants UN Fig
Leaf for Elections," Inter Press Service, October 22, 2004
Robin Wright, "Religious
Leaders Ahead in Iraq Poll," Washington Post, October 22, 2004
["We have decided to declare a state of emergency in all areas of Iraq,
with the exception of the region of Kurdistan for a period of 60 days,"
Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's spokesman Thaer al-Naqib told a news
conference.--Fadel al-Badrani, "Iraq Declares Martial Law,
23 Police Killed," Reuters, November 7, 2004]
[Elections would be delayed for more than a year and in the meantime, Iraq's
first "sovereign" government would be hand-picked by Washington. . . .
Mr. Bremer argued the country was too insecure to hold elections, and
besides, there were no voter rolls. . . . many argued that Iraq was safe
enough to have elections and pointed out that the lists from the Saddam-era
oil-for-food program could serve as voter rolls.--Naomi Klein, "Die Now, Vote Later,"
AlterNet, November 10, 2004]
"Confusion in White House on Aim of Iraq Election," Los
Angeles Times, November 10, 2004
Gov't Warns Media About Coverage," Associated Press, November 11, 2004
"US Marines arrest
Iraq's deputy Speaker," Pakistan Times, November 16, 2004
"US military arrests Iraqi
in charge of Sistani electoral list: aide," AFP, December 5, 2004
Ian Buruma, "An Islamic Democracy for Iraq?," New York
Times, December 5, 2004
[Afghanistan's first true national elections were in 1986 and 1987, under
Soviet military occupation. First, the KGB organized a "loya jirga," or
national assembly in 1985 and, through bribes and intimidation, got its new
Afghan "asset," Najibullah, positioned to replace the ineffectual Afghan
communist puppet then in office.
In 2002, the CIA got its Afghan "asset," Hamid Karzai, nominated president
through a loya jirga that seemed to many as rigged as the one that promoted
National elections in 1986 and 1987 confirmed Najibullah, Moscow's man in
Kabul, as president of Afghanistan. These elections were manipulated, yet
they were arguably more open and fairer than the recent U.S.-staged Afghan
election.--Eric Margolis, "U.S. caught in Kabul," Toronto Sun, December 12, 2004]
[. . . the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and
the International Republican Institute (IRI) -- are part of a consortium of
non-governmental organizations to which the United States has provided over
$80 million for political and electoral activities in post-Saddam
Iraq.--Lisa Ashkenaz Croke and Brian Dominick, "Controversial
U.S. Groups Operate Behind Scenes on Iraq Vote," New Standard, December
13, 2004]
Steve Negus, "Allawi
group slips cash to reporters," Financial Times, January 10, 2005
Dan Murphy, "Secrecy surrounds
Iraq vote: Concerned about violence, some political parties won't even
reveal candidate lists," Christian Science Monitor, January 13, 2005
[United Nations officials involved in the election said that they had been
dubious about allowing so many Iraqis outside the country to vote. But they
said that the former exiles installed in Baghdad by the American occupation
insisted on such an arrangement, hoping that a large vote outside Iraq would
help their chances in the election.--Steven R. Weisman, "Many Iraqis to
Cast Votes in U.S.," New York Times, January 13, 2005]
Yoav Stern, "Israelis of
Iraqi origin can vote in Iraqi elections," Haaretz, January 13, 2005
["It is the vehicle for the Americans to ensure that (Prime Minister Iyad)
Allawi gets back in. . . .
"We will settle for $5- to $10-billion," Sheik Hussein says. "This is for
the destruction in Fallujah, the shedding of blood and the killing of
innocents - history will write of this. The Americans started off by killing
Native Americans and still they kill people they look down on."--Robert
Fisk, "We
won't go home and we won't vote, say refugees of Fallujah," Independent,
January 13, 2005]
[There was total religious tolerance under Saddam when he came to effective
power in 1974, with the one exception that religious leaders could not play
politics.--Jude Wanniski, "Religious
Toleration Under Saddam," Wanniski.com, January 14, 2005]
[. . . an election so physically dangerous that the international observers
will be "observing" the poll from Amman.--Robert Fisk, "Not Even Saddam Could
Achieve the Divisions This Election Will Bring," Independent, January
16, 2005]
[When 8 million Afghans voted in October, at least 122 international
observers from across Europe and Asia monitored the presidential
election--Robin Wright, "
No Foreign Observers to Monitor Iraq Vote," Washington Post, January 22,
Andrew Buncombe and Kim Sengupta, "Iranian and Saudi cash weighs against local parties," Independent,
January 29, 2005
Scott Ritter, "Hijacking Democracy in
Iraq," AlterNet, March 23, 2005