Eric Margolis, "Not So Fast, Sen.
Lott," Toronto Sun, February 16, 1998
Enver Masud, "Deadly Deception, Pretexts for
War," The Wisdom Fund, July 30, 2001
Enver Masud, "A Clash Between Justice and
Greed, Not Islam and the West," The Wisdom Fund, September 2, 2002
M. Shahid Alam, "Pauperizing the
Periphery: Two Decades of Neoliberal Policies," The Wisdom Fund, June
10, 2003
Lutz Kleveman, "The New Great Game,"
The Guardian, October 20, 2003
Chalmers Johnson, "America's Empire of Bases,"
Nation Institute, January 15, 2004
Robert C. Byrd, "Losing
America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant Presidency," W. W.
Norton & Company (July 2004)
Niranjan Ramakrishnan, "Byrd's Eye
View: When the Extraordinary Becomes the Norm," Nation Institute,
September 8, 2004
Francisc Catalin, "Wars Against 74
Nations...and Counting: An ABC of American Interventions," CounterPunch,
September 11, 2004
John Brown, "The
Return Of The World Warriors,", October 7, 2004
Zbigniew Brzezinski, "How to
Make New Enemies," New York Times, October 25, 2004
Mark Curtis, "The
growing brutality and deception of the Iraq war mirrors Britain's recent
imperial history," Independent, October 26, 2004
Kevin Rafferty, "Last
gasp of U.S. hegemony," The Japan Times, November 15, 2004
James Petras, "Latin America: The
Empire Changes Gears," CounterPunch, December 7, 2004
Fred Anderson, Andrew Cayton, "The
Dominion of War: Empire and Liberty in North America, 1500-2000," Viking
Adult (December 29, 2004)
William A. Cook, "Bush, Osama and Israel:
Concealing Causes and Consequences," CounterPunch, January 10, 2005
[In "Code
Names: Deciphering U.S. Military Plans, Programs, and Operations in the
9/11 World," Arkin discloses and briefly defines 3,000 military code names.
. . . Each one represents a discrete dot in the ever-growing clandestine
world of Delta Force and SEAL commandos, of spy satellites and electronic
worldwide eavesdropping.--Dana Priest, "Book
of U.S. Code Names Challenges Secrecy," Washington Post, January
23, 2005]
VIDEO: "Gore
Vidal on Bush's Inaugural Address: 'The Most Un-American Speech I've Ever
Heard',", January 25, 2005
[Andrew Bacevich warns of a dangerous dual obsession that has taken hold of
Americans, conservatives and liberals alike. It is a marriage of militarism
and utopian ideology--of unprecedented military might wed to a blind faith
in the universality of American values. This perilous union, Bacevich
argues, commits Americans to a futile enterprise, turning the US into a
crusader state with a self-proclaimed mission of driving history to its
final destination: the world-wide embrace of the American way of life. This
mindset invites endless war and the ever-deepening militarization of US
policy.--Andrew Bacevich, "The
New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced By War," Oxford
University Press (February 28, 2005)]
[The inner circles of the U.S. national security community - members of the
National Security Council (NSC), a select number of their deputies, and a
few close advisors to the president - represent what is probably the most
powerful committee in the history of the world, one with more resources,
more power, more license to act, and more ability to project force further
and swifter than any other convened by king, emperor, or president.--David
J. Rothkopf, "Inside the
Committee that Runs the World," Foreign Policy, March/April 2005]
Paul Craig Roberts, "The Last Throes of US
Dominance,", June 28, 2005
[Meeting in the Kazakh capital of Astana, the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO) - which includes Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Uzbekistan, China, and Russia - issued a joint statement saying the active
military phase of the Afghan operation was coming to an end and calling on
the US-led coalition to agree to a deadline for ending the temporary use of
bases and air space in member countries.--Matthew Clark, "Will US be asked
to leave key military bases?," Christian Science Monitor, July 5, 2005]
Simon Tisdall, "US
forces should take a lesson from the Persian kings," Guardian, September
7, 2005
Hywel Williams, "The US
could learn from the Achaemenid dynasty's policy of tolerance,"
Guardian, September 10, 2005
Rupert Cornwell, "This
Won't Be the American Century," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, January 3, 2006
[The plug line for the "War on Terror" is that America wants to finish the
fight it didn't start and get on with the peaceable pursuit of happiness.
The reality is that 9/11 and ensuing so-called WOT actually provides the
U.S. with many different short-cuts towards hanging on to and expanding
whatever control it has over the world. The Gwubya administration isn't
going to easily let go of these levers and neither is any succeeding U.S.
President.--Ruchir Joshi, "When Bush comes to shove," The Hindu, March 12,
[. . . the invasion
of Iraq "was the culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans
overthrew fourteen governments that displeased them for various ideological,
political, and economic reasons.--Stephen Kinzer, "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii
to Iraq," Times Books, April 4, 2006]
["The reason that many of us suspect the U.S. is opposed to this is more
fundamental," the independent Arms Control Association's Daryl G. Kimball
told OneWorld. "This is a very strategic region. The U.S. is reticent to
give up the option of deploying nuclear weapons in this region in the
future."--Aaron Glantz, "Five Former Soviet
Republics Give Up Nukes,", September 14, 2006]
["During an assault the soldiers cannot pause to distinguish between male and female or
even discriminate as to age." They did not, and through the decades the Indian dead
included uncounted thousands of mothers, children, and elderly, some killed merely for
sport, their private parts sliced off and used to make prized wallets or to decorate
hats, their scalps and their genitals displayed as trophies.
Theodore Roosevelt, then a U.S. civil service commissioner, visited South Dakota three
years after the Wounded Knee Massacre. He wrote that the U.S. government had treated the
Indians "with great justice and fairness."--James Bradley, "The Imperial Cruise: A Secret History of Empire and War," Back Bay
Books; Reprint edition (November 8, 2010)]
[After soldiers captured over 300 Indians, President Abraham Lincoln approved the largest
mass execution in U.S. history on 38 Dakota men. . . .
There are many accounts of the Nazis and Hitler studying Indian reservations for guidance in
planning encampments for Jewish people.--Vincent Schilling, "8 Things The History Books Don't
Tell Us About Native People,", November 8, 2014]
Mike Whitney, "The Broken Chessboard: Brzezinski Gives up on Empire,", August 25, 2016