Enver Masud, "What Really Happened on
September 11 Remains a Mystery," The Wisdom Fund, April 27, 2002
Shaun Waterman, "White House
'delayed 9-11 report'," United Press International, July 25, 2003
Eric Margolis, "Liars or Fools?, "The Wisdom
Fund, February 2, 2004
Ray McGovern "Deceived
into War," counterPunch.com, June 12, 2004
Editorial: "9/11
Report: The need to name names," Philly.com, June 12, 2004
Dan Eggen, "Al
Qaeda Originally Envisioned Plot With 10 Jets: 9/11 Panel Finds No
Collaboration Between Iraq, Al Qaeda," Washington Post, June 16, 2004
[President George W. Bush . . . justified the invasion of Iraq by
manipulation of uncertain intelligence about weapons of mass destruction,
and by a cynical campaign to persuade the public that Saddam Hussein was
linked to Al Qaeda and the attacks of September 11. The evidence did not
support this argument. --"The Official
Statement," Diplomats & Military Commanders for Change, June 16, 2004]
[Of all the ways Mr. Bush persuaded Americans to back the invasion of Iraq
last year, the most plainly dishonest was his effort to link his war of
choice with the battle against terrorists worldwide. . . .
There are two unpleasant alternatives: either Mr. Bush knew he was not
telling the truth, or he has a capacity for politically motivated
self-deception that is terrifying in the post-9/11 world.--Editorial: "The Plain
Truth," New York Times, June 17, 2004]
David L. Greene, "Al-Qaida
rebuffed by Iraq in 1990s: Hussein rejected alliance years before 9/11 attacks,"
Baltimore Sun, June 17, 2004
Eric Schmitt and Eric Lichtblau, "THE TIMETABLE: To the Minute, Panel Paints a Grim
Portrait of Day's Terror," New York Times, June 18, 2004
Jason Burke and Paul Harris, "9
/11: At last, the full story has been told," The Observer, June 20, 2004
[The document states that Iraq agreed to rebroadcast anti-Saudi propaganda,
and that a request from Mr. bin Laden to begin joint operations against
foreign forces in Saudi Arabia went unanswered. There is no further
indication of collaboration.--Tom Shanker, "Iraqis, Seeking Foes of Saudis, Contacted bin
Laden, File Says," New York Times, June 25, 2004
Eric Margolis, "CIA
DID NOT FAIL - THE U.S. WAS DECEIVED INTO THE IRAQ WAR," ericmargolis.com, July 19, 2004
Dan Eggen and Mike Allen, "9/
11 Report to Cite 10 Missed Opportunities," Washington Post, July 21,
[Ten days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon, President Bush was told in a highly classified
briefing that the U.S. intelligence community had no evidence linking the
Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein to the attacks and that there was scant
credible evidence that Iraq had any significant collaborative ties with Al
Qaeda, . . .
One of the more intriguing things that Bush was told during the briefing was
that the few credible reports of contacts between Iraq and Al Qaeda involved
attempts by Saddam Hussein to monitor the terrorist group. Saddam viewed Al
Qaeda as well as other theocratic radical Islamist organizations as a
potential threat to his secular regime.--Murray Waas, "Key Bush Intelligence Briefing Kept From Hill Panel," National
Journal, November 22, 2005]
R. Jeffrey Smith, "Hussein's Prewar Ties To Al-Qaeda
Discounted Pentagon Report Says Contacts Were Limited," Washington
Post, April 6, 2007
WEBSITE: National Commission on
Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States