When President Bush mounts the podium in the US Congress tonight to deliver
this year's State of the Union address, it will be the last time that he
formally accounts to American voters before they deliver their verdict on
him at elections in November. Judiciously leaked hints suggest that he
intends to focus on the war with Iraq, on his role as commander-in-chief and
on his determination to make, and keep, America secure from enemy attack. .
. .
Eric Margolis, "America: The real
danger lies within," The Toronto Sun, January 4, 2004
Neil Mackay, "U.S. Plotted Iraq Invasion Long Before 9/11,"
Sunday Herald, January 11, 2004
Chalmers Johnson, "America's Empire of Bases," Nation
Institute, January 15, 2004
W Bush and the real state of the Union," The Independent, January 20, 2004
Ramsey Clark, Letter to UN on U.S. War of Aggression,
January 29, 2004