Dr. Sherif Abdel Azeem, "Women In
Islam Versus Women In The Judaeo-Christian Tradition," The Wisdom Fund,
"Lebanese Shi'ite slams Sunni support
for France over headscarf ban," Utusan Melayu, January 3, 2004
Yamin Zakaria, "A Short Step From The Veil To The Bikini," Jihadunspun.com, January 3, 2004
Khaled M.
Batarfi, "The French War on Islam," Arab News, January 4, 2004
Cheryl Benard, "French tussle over Muslim head scarf is positive push for women's
rights," Christian Science Monitor, January 5, 2004
Diana Pinto, "The long,
bloody path that led to French secularism," International Herald
Tribune, January 7, 2004
WIll Hutton, "Why
the West is wary of Muslims," The Observer, January 11, 2004
Kate Connolly, "Nuns defend habits in row over
Islam scarf ban," The Telegraph, January 16, 2004
Catherine Field, "French headscarf ban set to misfire," New
Zealand Herald, February 3, 2004
Leader, "A
threat to no one," The Guardian, February 11, 2004
[The Islamic state? A contradiction in terms.
Jihad? Far too much emphasis these days on military action.
A requirement that women wear a veil? A quaint leftover from pre-Muslim
times that is not mandated by Islam.--Daniel Williams, "Unveiling
Islam: Author Challenges Orthodox Precepts," Washington Post,
March 7, 2005]
[For the extreme right, the young activist is a political provocateur, an
agent of Islamic fundamentalism bent on infiltrating the seat of Danish
democracy. To many on the left, Ms Abdol-Hamid is also problematic,
personifying through her dress the reactionary repression of women and an
illiberal religious agenda that should have no place in her leftwing
"red-green" alliance of socialists and environmentalists.--Ian Traynor, "Feminist,
socialist, devout Muslim: woman who has thrown Denmark into turmoil,"
Guardian, May 16, 2007]