The Bible: War, Violence, Fornication
"The Quran, Torah, Psalms,
Gospels," The Wisdom Fund
John Shelby Spong, "Why
Christianity Must Change or Die," HarperSanFrancisco (May 1, 1999)
[A Special Report of how a convicted serial forger was used to
falsify and corrupt the Christian Bible. The report details the role
of the Oxford University Press owned Scofield Bible in controlling
Christian thought, effectively creating Christian Zionism from the
ranks of the emerging evangelicalism, and how it was then
transformed into radical anti-Islamic bias. Special attention is
given to the war role of the Southern Baptist Convention and of
prominent televangelists. This report may be the first to compare
the several successive editions of the Scofield Reference Bible
since 1908, to demonstrate a pernicious, pro-Israel political bias
inserted between the lines of the respected King James Edition. It
makes a strong case for laying the responsibility for the Mideast
wars upon the leadership of American churches.--"The Source Of Our War
Problem, Why Judeo-Christians Do Not Demand Peace,",
Fall 2002]
[As the sacred text of Jews and Christians alike, the Bible has never lacked
for claimants. Beginning with the ancient oral traditions surrounding
Abraham and Moses, Pelikan recounts how the early Israelites finally
recorded their beliefs in a Hebrew text. Continuous addition of historical
and prophetic texts, the growth of rabbinic commentaries, and the
translation of the text into Greek made construing scripture a complex task
even before adherents to a new scriptural faith reinterpreted the entire
Hebrew Bible as an Old Testament important chiefly for prophecies fulfilled
in a radical New Testament. The writing of this Christian New Testament
itself sparked controversies among divergent branches of Christianity, but
it is the endless battles between Jews and Christians that Pelikan takes as
his primary focus.--Jaroslav Pelikan, "Whose
Bible Is It? A History of the Scriptures Through the Ages," Viking Adult
(March 3, 2005)]
[Moses did not write the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and
Deuteronomy. Moses had been dead for three hundred years before the first
verse of the Torah achieved written form. These books refelect multiple
strands of material that were put together over a period of at least five
hundred years.
. . . the Bible is not the "Word of God." It was never intended to be the
"Word of God." It has its roots in the tribal sacred story of the Jewish
people. It was simply a chronicle of their walk with who they believed God
was through their own national history. It rooted them in time and it gave
them a past to remember.--John Shelby Spong, "The
Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bible's Texts of Hate to Reveal the God
of Love," HarperSanFrancisco (April 1, 2005), pages 19, 261]
"Violence in Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam," The Wisdom Fund, July 23, 2005
Juan Cole, "Archeology
Shows Bible Written Late, Full of Errors,", February 6, 2014
Rev. Madison Shockley, "The
Truth About Jesus,", December 25, 2016