by Helena Smith
The first chant came from the back of the crowd. 'Go home!' yelled a
youngster, as he stood in Pristina's dusty Mother Teresa Square, the
site last week of Kosovo's first post-war demonstration.
'Out with the UN!' screamed an elderly woman, producing a placard
that conveyed the same message. 'We don't need you here!'
Four years ago, Kosovar Albanians were liberated from their Serbian
tormentors by the West. The international bureaucrats who arrived to
administer the benighted territory after Nato forces made their
triumphant entry were hailed as heroes by a populous as grateful as
it was grief-stricken.
But now Kosovo has become angry again. As the eyes of the world have
been elsewhere, another battle has erupted in the heart of the
world's 'most successful' UN peacekeeping mission. After around
1,500 days of receiving more money, aid and support than any other
war-ravaged country, Kosovars are angry. But this time their venom
is reserved for the very people who came to protect and reform them.
[1,000 Serbs had been driven from their homes after attacks by ethnic
clashes 'ethnic cleansing'," BBC News, March 19, 2004]
[The plan, drawn up by the UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari, does not explicitly
mention the word independence. However, it calls for a multi-ethnic Kosovo
"governing itself democratically and with full respect for the rule of
law" . . .
"An important element of the settlement is the mandate provided for a future
international civilian and military presence in Kosovo, to supervise
implementation of the settlement and assist the competent Kosovo authorities
in ensuring peace and stability throughout Kosovo," the draft document said.
It recommended that a "new, professional and multi-ethnic Kosovo security
force" with 2,500 active members and 800 reservists should be set up within
a year.
The plan provides for an "international civilian representative" with a dual
role as the EU's top official in Kosovo, who would "have ultimate
supervisory authority over the implementation of the settlement".--"UN plan
calls for Kosovo constitution," Guardian Unlimited, February 2, 2007]