Appeal for Uighurs arbitrarily detained ," Amnesty International,
january 1, 1999
[Xinjiang is very important to the Chinese government because it
contains large oil and gas reserves and it serves as a passageway
for transporting oil and gas from Central Asia. In its efforts to
colonize and consolidate its control over Xinjiang, the Chinese
government has waged an intense campaign to suppress Uyghur
nationalist sentiment, dilute their culture, threaten their identity
as a distinct people, and assimilate them into Chinese culture. One
major way in which the government has accomplished these objectives
has been by sponsoring the massive migration of Chinese to the
area. In 1949, when the Communists asserted their control over
Xinjiang, Uyghurs accounted for at least 93% of the region's
population while Chinese accounted for 6 or 7%. By 1997, according
to official statistics, the population of Xinjiang was over 17
million, 47% of whom were Uyghurs and 42% of whom were Chinese. In
the last few decades, the Chinese-Uyghur ratio in Urumqi, capital
city of the XUAR, has shifted from 20-80 to 80-20. . . .
Since the September 11 attacks on the United States, the Chinese
government has used the United States' global war on terrorism as a
justification for intensifying its crackdown on the Uyghur
Migration of Chinese to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
(XUAR), with Institutionalized Racial Discrimination," Uyghur
Human Rights Coalition, 2000]
Louisa Lim, "China's Uighurs mourn way of life," BBC News, October 4,
[Just why is Xinjiang so important to Beijing, and to the new Great Game? It
is the biggest region in China, comprising one-sixth of the country's
overall territory. It is home to only one-sixtieth of its population, but it
has three-quarters of its mineral wealth. Huge reserves of oil and gas are
buried mainly in the Tarim Basin in northern Xinjiang. The area is also
important as a potential pipeline conduit for crude oil from Kazakhstan.--
Lutz Kleveman, "The
New Great Game," Atlantic Monthly Press (2003), p. 101]
[An agreement this month to build a oil pipeline through this tiny hamlet
makes it the center of an explosion of economic activity in what only
recently was one of the most backward corners of China.--Howard W. French, "China
Moves Toward Another West: Central Asia," New York Times, March 28, 2004]
Howard W. French, "Faith
Sprouts in Arid Soil of China," New York Times, May 6, 2004
[The Bush Administration, wanting to avert a Chinese veto of its invasions
of Afghanistan and Iraq in the U.N. security council, drafted China into the
"war on terrorism" by granting it a free pass to beat up its Tibetans and
Uyghurs.--Ted Rall, "Selling Out the
Uyghurs: Why 8,000,000 People You've Never Heard Of Hate Us,"
commondreams.org, December 15, 2004]
[It is being done in the name of anti-separatism and counter-terrorism, says
a joint report by Human Rights Watch and Human Rights in China.--"China 'crushing
Muslim Uighurs'," BBC, April 12, 2005]
[Human rights groups have long criticized the lack of religious freedom in
China and highlighted the harsh treatment of underground Catholics, Tibetan
Buddhists and Uighurs, the Muslim ethnic group in the western region of
Xinjiang. Yet other Chinese Muslim groups that might be expected to support
the Uighurs have rarely done so. . . . the country's 10 Muslim nationalities
usually find common cause only when they feel an issue denigrates Islam, as
was the case with the cartoons.--Jim Yardley, "A Spectator's
Role for China's Muslims," New York Times, February 19, 2006]
[In 1913, while China was in chaos, Tibet, backed by the British Empire,
declared independence. War-torn China had no chance to reassert its claim to
Tibet until the end of the civil war in May, 1950. Four months later,
China's People's Army invaded Tibet and declared it "reunited" to China.
Many Tibetans, particularly the warlike Champa, resisted furiously. A year
earlier, Chinese troops had invaded and crushed the independent, four-year
old Muslim Republic of East Turkistan - today called Xinjiang - whose
Turkic-Mongol Uighurs, long fought Chinese rule and Han Chinese
immigration.--Eric Margolis, "How To Resolve
the Tibet Crisis," lewrockwell.com, March 25, 2008]
Tim Johnson, "As
world watches Tibet, China's Muslim Uighurs face growing repression,"
McClatchy Newspapers, April 14, 2008
Ben Blanchard, "Radical Islam stirs in China's remote west,"
Reuters, July 6, 2008
[Chinese officials added nearly 17,000 surveillance cameras last year to the
tens of thousands already installed in Urumqi, apparently centered on
neighborhoods frequented by Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority. They
recently announced plans to put the entire city of some 2.4 million people
under "seamless" observation with tens of thousands more.--Tom Lasseter, "Thousands of cameras watch China's Uighurs, inhibiting
discourse," McClatchy Newspapers, February 16, 2011]