Bev Giesbrecht's resume at
light/bgcvfulljus.pdf states that from 1995 to 2003 she
was President/Director/Shareholder, Trek Technologies
Inc. From 1999 to 2003 she was
President/Director/Shareholder, Datacrafters Inc. From
1996 to 2002 she was Director/Shareholder/Director of
Business Development, Newdale Systems Inc.
However, M.B. Herald: Vol. 38, No. 12, June 11, 1999 at
states that "Bev Giesbrecht left May 21 to spend the
summer serving with Mennonite Disaster Service in
Birmingham, Ala., and then will be given another
posting with MDS until spring 2000."
Bev writes at
light/ashes2light06.html "On April 12, 2002 high in the
mountains of British Columbia I took Shahadah on the
Youth of Islam board and declared my submission to
Allah, the one true God."