by Michael Hirsh
His story seemed, in the beginning, a godsend for the Bush
administration. . . .
True, Obeidi said he'd buried the centrifuge equipment, as he'd been
ordered to do in 1991 by Saddam's son Qusay Hussein and son-in-law
Hussein Kamel. But he also insisted to the CIA that, in effect, that
was that: Saddam had never reconstituted his centrifuge program
afterward, in large part because of the Iraqi tyrant's fear of being
discovered under the U.N. sanctions-and-inspections regime. If true,
this was a terribly inconvenient fact for the Bush administration, .
. .
Soon, not only was Obeidi no longer a marquee name for the Bush
team, he was incommunicado. Whisked off to a safe house in Kuwait,
with no access to phones or the Internet, he waited in vain for what
he thought had been offered to him: asylum in the United States and
green cards granting permanent residency to him and his eight-member
The treatment of Obeidi has in turn raised questions about whether
even fresh intelligence from Iraq is being manipulated in advance of
the report being prepared by David Kay, which is intended as the
definitive account of Iraq's WMD program.
David Kay holds a BA degree from the University of Texas at Austin and
a Master's in International Affairs and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University.
[The main goal of the Zionists is sowing discord among
Muslims--"U.S. Backed Mossad Agents Involved in Hakim's
Assassination to Flee Iraq," Tehran Times, September 9, 2003]