by Edward Said
. . . The major influences on George W Bush's Pentagon and National
Security Council were men such as Bernard Lewis and Fouad Ajami,
experts on the Arab and Islamic world who helped the American hawks
to think about such preposterous phenomena as the Arab mind and the
centuries-old Islamic decline which only American power could
reverse. Today bookstores in the US are filled with shabby screeds
bearing screaming headlines about Islam and terror, the Arab threat
and the Muslim menace, all of them written by political polemicists
pretending to knowledge imparted by experts who have supposedly
penetrated to the heart of these strange oriental peoples. CNN and
Fox, plus myriad evangelical and rightwing radio hosts, innumerable
tabloids and even middle-brow journals, have recycled the same
unverifiable fictions and vast generalisations so as to stir up
"America" against the foreign devil.
Without a well-organised sense that the people over there were not
like "us" and didn't appreciate "our" values - the very core of
traditional orientalist dogma - there would have been no war. The
American advisers to the Pentagon and the White House use the same
cliches, the same demeaning stereotypes, the same justifications for
power and violence (after all, runs the chorus, power is the only
language they understand) as the scholars enlisted by the Dutch
conquerors of Malaysia and Indonesia, the British armies of India,
Mesopotamia, Egypt, West Africa, the French armies of Indochina and
North Africa. These people have now been joined in Iraq by a whole
army of private contractors and eager entrepreneurs to whom shall be
confided everything from the writing of textbooks and the
constitution to the refashioning of Iraqi political life and its oil
Every single empire in its official discourse has said that it is
not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that it
has a mission to enlighten, civilise, bring order and democracy, and
that it uses force only as a last resort. And, sadder still, there
always is a chorus of willing intellectuals to say calming words
about benign or altruistic empires.
["This order reveals the true motivation for the present occupation:
absolute power for U.S. corporate interests over Iraqi oil," said
IPS Senior Researcher Jim Vallette. "This is the smoking gun that
proves the Bush administration always intended to free corporate
investments, not the Iraqi people."--"Groups Demand Repeal of Bush
Immunity for U.S. Oil Companies in Iraq," Sustainable Energy &
Economy Network, July 23, 2001]
M. Shahid Alam, "Bernard Lewis and the New Orientalism,"
The Wisdom Fund, June 29, 2003
[. . . the push to bring democracy and free markets to the Middle
East was "the moral mission of our time", to be compared with the
civil rights movement that ended racial segregation in America.David
Rennie, "Critics of US policy are racist, says
Rice," The Telegraph, August 9, 2003]
William Blum, "The
Incantations of Empire: Myth and Denial in the War on
Terrorism," CounterPunch, August 12, 2003
Patrick J. Buchanan, "Imperial
wars, then & now,", August 13, 2003
[Bush speaks in the name of the founding fathers but believes he is
doing the work of the holy father. He cannot do both and condemn
fundamentalism. But if he feels he must try, he might start with the
sixth commandment: "Thou shalt not kill."--Gary Younge, "God
help America," The Guardian, August 25, 2003]
[He who warns of the "clash of civilizations" is incontestably
right; . . .
The de facto role of the US armed forces will be to keep the world
safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those
ends, we will do a fair amount of killing. . . .
But Hollywood is "preparing the battlefield," and burgers precede
bullets. The flag follows trade.--"Constant
Conflict," Parameters, Summer 1997,
pp. 4-14: US Army War College]
Chris White, "9/11 in
Context: A Marine Veteran's Perspective," CounterPunch, Otober
28, 2003
George Soros, "The
Bubble of American Supremacy," The Atlantic Monthly, December,
Eric Hobsbawm, "The
last of the utopian projects: Perestroika plunged Russia into social
ruin - and the world into an unprecedented superpower bid for global
domination," Guardian, March 9, 2005
Noam Chomsky, "Who Owns
the Earth?,", July 5, 2013
Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper, "Empires
in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference," Princeton University Press
(July 25, 2011)