by Emad Mekay
CAIRO, Jul 24 (IPS) - The same official sermon will be delivered in
88,000 mosques across Egypt from this week. The government move is
a part of extensive new censorship, and penalization for mosques and
preachers that do not toe the official line. . . .
The sermon will now be written and distributed by officials from the
regime of President Hosni Mubarak. . . .
Abdel Monem Abul Fotouh, a member of the guidance council of the Muslim Brotherhood says the move means that the security apparatus,
and not a religious institution will run the mosques.
The campaign is "a part and parcel of the pressure the United States
places on our regimes to try and limit the Islamic movement," he
told IPS. . . .
Mubarak has ruled Egypt with an iron fist under an emergency law
since the assassination of former president Anwar Sadat at the
hands of Islamic groups in October 1981. Mubarak's officials claim
he has won his three seven-year election terms by 95 percent or
more -- much like Saddam Hussein.
Israel Continue To Receive Most US Aid," MENews, July 15, 2003