[The fact is the US doesn't care enough to play the part of
policeman and provide a chance for a lasting solution. Instead, the
State Department is instructed to patch together the best deal
possible. That means accommodating yet again the people who have the
Under the agreement currently being discussed, the rebels will be
given the vice presidency and other high government offices.
Pursuing political power through the use of violence once again is
paying off, and whoever assumes the presidency in Liberia will last
only until a bigger thug comes along. In other words, the suffering
and the selling out of Liberia goes on and on.--Dennis Jett, "History
repeats itself in Liberia," Christian Science Monitor, July 30,
Mark Turner, Mark Huband, and Andrew Parker, "US seeks to
protect weapons trafficker," Financial Times, May 16 2004
[What West Africa does have is oil - a lot of it. Nigeria is the world's
seventh-largest oil producer, and accounts for 70 percent of the continent's
oil. Equatorial Guinea, as well as Angola, Senegal and Sao Tome and Pr’ncipe
are all being eyed hungrily by Western oil majors, who've made sizable
investments throughout the region.--
. . . the Pentagon undertaken another multi-million dollar project for
training the armies of weak states in the war on terror - now, the
central-west African states of Niger, Chad, Mali and
Mauritania.--Christopher Deliso, "West Africa: Where the
Empire Will Come to Ruin," Antiwar.com, September 27, 2004]
[A Muslim convert and trained guerrilla fighter, Mr Dokubo-Asari has
demanded more autonomy for the delta's predominant ethnic group, the Ijaw,
who live in abject poverty despite the huge oil wealth being pumped from
their lands.--Daniel Howden, "
Nigeria starts talks with rebel leader as fears over oil grow,"
Independent, October 1, 2004]
[He said that they had had enough of the exploitation of their resources and
wanted to take total control of the area to get their fair share of the
wealth.--"Nigeria oil 'total war' warning," BBC News, February 17,
[Nigeria's oil resources have gone to waste. The estimated US$350 billion
earned from oil by the government between 1965 and 2000 did little to
alleviate poverty in Nigeria and, according to many studies, actually
exacerbated deprivation through the opportunities it provided for corruption
and abuse. Nigeria is among the 15 poorest countries in the world and 70% of
its people live below the poverty line.--"The Niger Delta Today,"
BBC News, April 4, 2006]