Julian Borger, "Camp
Delta rules 'bar' civilian lawyers," Guardian, July 17, 2003
[The heads of 10 leading law bodies around the world call on the US
today to give a "fair and lawful trial" to prisoners detained at
Guantanamo Bay and be a "beacon of justice in an unjust
world".--Mark Oliver, "Camp Delta justice urged," Guardian, August 21, 2003]
detentions blasted," BBC News, October 10, 2003
["As a lawyer brought up to admire the ideals of American democracy
and justice, I would have to say that I regard this a monstrous
failure of justice. The military will act as interrogators,
prosecutors and defence counsel, judges, and when death sentences
are imposed, as executioners. The trials will be held in private.
None of the guarantees of a fair trial need be observed."--Robert
Verkaik, "Guantanamo treatment is 'monstrous', says law lord,"
Independent, November 26, 2003]
Rosa Prince and Gary Jones, "MY HELL IN CAMP X-RAY," Mirror (UK), March 12, 2004
[In dismissing the charges against detainees from Canada and Yemen, the
judges ruled that the Military Commissions Act of 2006 lacked jurisdiction
because that law limits cases to those who are deemed "unlawful enemy
combatants." Because a tribunal had officially deemed both men "enemy
combatants," the letter of the law did not allow the detainees to go to
trial, the judges determined. Prosecutors say they hope to try about 80 of
the 380 detainees at Guantanamo, but all such cases are now on hold -- one
more setback in a five-year effort to bring even one case to trial.--Josh
White and Shailagh Murray, "Guantanamo Ruling Renews The Debate Over Detainees:
Bush Policy Faces New Hill Challenge," Washington Post, June 6, 2007]
[William J. Haynes, the Pentagon's chief legal officer and overseer of
Guantanamo's Military Commissions, is stepping down, amid mounting
controversy over the tribunal process, so he can "return to private life,"
the Department of Defense announced late on Monday. Haynes' resignation
comes exactly two weeks after landmark charges were brought against six
"high-value" Guantanamo detainees.
. . . Haynes, along with Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales and other Bush
Administration appointees, were charged in Germany in 2006 with war crimes,
but the charges were withdrawn due to insufficient evidence.
As the tribunals march on, Col. Davis has recently agreed to testify at a
pretrial hearing in April for Lt. Commander Mizer's client Salim Hamdan.
Mizer will raise a motion to dismiss charges based on unlawful interference
by political appointees, and Davis will be one of his witnesses. He will
reiterate claims he made publicly about Crawford's and Hartmann's roles in
the prosecution.--Ross Tuttle, "Pentagon General
Counsel Resigns," Nation, February 26, 2008]