by Patrick J. Buchanan
. . . it is the charge of "anti-Semitism" itself that is toxic. For
this venerable slander is designed to nullify public discourse by
smearing and intimidating foes and censoring and blacklisting them
and any who would publish them. Neocons say we attack them because
they are Jewish. We do not. We attack them because their
warmongering threatens our country, even as it finds a reliable echo
in Ariel Sharon.
And this time the boys have cried "wolf" once too often. It is not
working. As Kaus notes, Kaplan's own New Republic carries Harvard
professor Stanley Hoffman. In writing of the four power centers in
this capital that are clamoring for war, Hoffman himself describes
the fourth thus:
And, finally, there is a loose collection of friends of Israel, who
believe in the identity of interests between the Jewish state and
the United States. . . . These analysts look on foreign policy through
the lens of one dominant concern: Is it good or bad for Israel?
Since that nation's founding in 1948, these thinkers have never been
in very good odor at the State Department, but now they are well
ensconced in the Pentagon, around such strategists as Paul
Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. . . .
[Nine-eleven would not have occurred if the U.S. government had refused to
help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society.--Paul Findley, "Liberating
America From Israel," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, November
Bill and Kathleen Christison, "Too Many Smoking
Guns to Ignore: Israel, American Jews, and the War on Iraq,"
CounterPunch, January 25, 2003
[". . . the dark secret of Jewish power is out. Just recently it was
'third rail', touch-and-die, deadly dangerous to mention, certain
end to a career. Just recently, Joe Public snapped his TV from an
eminence with an Israeli passport to a member of a Jewish
think-tank, and muttered to himself: Surely it is just a coincidence
that so many important and largely unelected people in our country
happen to belong to this small minority group. Surely it is just a
coincidence that they belong to different parties but reach the same
conclusions. Surely it is just a coincidence that ninety per cent of
American foreign aid goes to their cousins in prosperous Tel Aviv.
Surely it is just a coincidence that they run our newspapers,
television, cinema, universities. Anyway, we are not allowed to
notice this elephant in our sitting room."--Israel Shamir, Midas Ears,
March 11, 2003]
Ed Vuillamy, "Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil,"
The Observer (UK), April 20, 2003
Informant, May, 2003
["Let me begin with some blunt questions, the harshness of which
matches the situation in Israel/ Palestine. How have the Jews,
immemorially associated with suffering and high moral purpose,
become identified with a nation-state loathed around the world for
its oppressiveness toward a subjugated indigenous people? Why have a
substantial majority of Jews chosen to flaunt world opinion in order
to rally about a state that essentially has turned its occupied
lands into a huge concentration camp and driven its occupied peoples
to such gruesome expedients as suicide bombing? Why does the Zionist
community, in raging against terrorism, forget that three of its
prime ministers within the last twenty years - Begin, Shamir and
Sharon - are openly recognized to have been world-class terrorists
and mass murderers? And why will these words just written - and the
words of other Jews critical of Israel - be greeted with hatred and
bitter denunciation by Zionists and called "self-hating" and
"anti-Semitic"? Why do Zionists not see, or to be more exact, why do
they see yet deny, the brutal reality that this state has
wrought?"--Tikkun Magazine by Joel Kovel, author of "The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or The End
of The World?"]
["What was America's real motive for attacking Iraq? Was it oil?
Empire? To make the Middle East safe for Sharon?"--Pat Buchanan, "An
unnecessary war," World Net Daily, June 4, 2003]
[The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of
them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of
history.--Ari Shavit, "White man's burden,"
Haaretz, April 5, 2003]
Jon Basil Utley, "The Untold Story of Antiwar Conservatives,"
theamericanconservative, April 18, 2013]