Anfal Campaign Against the Kurds," Human Rights Watch, July 1993
Enver Masud, "Why Iraq May be Next,"
The Wisdom Fund, November 19, 2001
[Then US Secretary of State George Schultz and commerce
secretary George Baldridge also lobbied for the delivery of Bell
helicopters equipped for "crop spraying". It is believed that
US-supplied choppers were used in the 1988 chemical attack on the
Kurdish village of Halabja, which killed 5000 people.--Norm Dixon,
" How the US armed Saddam
Hussein with chemical weapons," Green Left Weekly, August 28,
["As Iraq's use of poison gases in war and in peace was public
knowledge, the question arises: what did the United States
administration do about it then? Absolutely nothing. Indeed, so
powerful was the grip of the pro-Baghdad lobby on the administration
of Republican President Ronald Reagan that it got the White House to
foil the Senate's attempt to penalise Iraq for its violation of the
Geneva Protocol on Chemical Weapons to which it was a signatory.
This made Saddam believe that the US was his firm ally - a deduction
that paved the way for his brutal invasion and occupation of Kuwait
and the 1991 Gulf war, . . ." -- " When US turned a blind eye to
poison gas," the Observer (UK), September 1, 2002]
["Why didn't Tony Blair and George Bush mention Saddam Hussein's
most terrible war crime? Why, in all their "dossiers", did they not
refer to the 5,000 young men and women who were held at detention
centres when their families -- of Iranian origin -- were hurled over
the border to Iran just before President Saddam invaded Iran in
Could it be because these 5,000 young men and women were used for
experiments in gas and biological warfare agents whose ingredients
were originally supplied by the United States?"--Robert Fisk, "Did Saddam's
army test poison gas on missing 5,000?," The Independent, December
13, 2002]
Joe Quandt, "The Lion, On His Den,"
The Wisdom Fund, December 20, 2002
Jude Wanniski, "Iraq Questions and Answers,"
[At least 5,000 were killed in a poison gas attack by Iraqi aircraft
at the height of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988. Mr Powell visited grave
sites, lit a candle of remembrance and promised that Ali Hassan
al-Majid, the Iraqi believed to have ordered the massacre and who is
now in US custody, would be judged by an Iraqi court.
Unmentioned by Mr Powell was that in 1988 the Americans were
supporting Saddam in his titanic conflict with Iran and that the CIA
urged US diplomats at the time to suggest that the mass gassing may
have been the work of Iran.--Robert Fisk, "Powell draws a veil over killings as he tours
Iraq," Independent, September 16, 2003
[Since 1984, Turkey has killed some 30,000 Kurds, scattered some 2
million refugees, and depopulated more than 3000 villages. Turkish
forces have used napalm, poison gas and other chemical weapons
against the Kurds - and 80% of the weapons have come from the U.S. A
program of assassinations has been carried out against Kurdish
jouralists, intellectuals and politicians, and thousands more have
been imprisoned.--Mark Zepezauer, "Boomerang! How our covert wars have created
enemies across the Middle East and brought terror to America,"
Common Courage Press, 2003, p.105]
Aaron Glantz, "Iraqi General:
US Helped Us as We Used Chemical Weapons," Inter Press Service, June 13,
[Downing Street has admitted to The Observer that repeated claims by Tony
Blair that '400,000 bodies had been found in Iraqi mass graves' is untrue,
and only about 5,000 corpses have so far been uncovered.--Peter Beaumont,
admits graves claim 'untrue'," The Observer, July 18, 2004]
[HRW's experts have not been able to find the missing 100,000 bodies it said
were of Kurds who had been rounded up and trucked south of Kurdistan,
machine-gunned to death, and buried in mass graves.--Jude Wanniski, "Fallujah and Those
Mass Graves," Antiwar.com, November 6, 2004]
[ . . . there was also an attempt by one of the "Halabja deniers," Stephen
Pelletiere, writing on the New York Times op-ed page in early 2003, to
revive claims that most chemical casualties in Halabja were the result of
Iranian gas.--Joost Hiltermann, "Blowback from the
Iraq-Iran War," Harpers, July 5, 2007]
[Saddam "launched an invasion of Iran in September 1980. The ensuing war lasted eight
years, devastated the Iranian economy and cost Iran as many as one million casualties,
including thousands who were killed or incapacitated by chemical weapons. Iraq saw
between 160,000 and 240,000 killed."--Stephen Kinzer, "Inside
Iran's Fury: Scholars trace the nation's antagonism to its history of domination
by foreign powers," Smithsonian Magazine, October 2008]