by Jon Dougherty
Intelligence pros say the White House is manufacturing terrorist alerts to keep the issue alive in the minds of voters and to keep President Bush's approval ratings high, Capitol Hill Blue reports.
["The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has concluded the tip that
led to a nationwide hunt for five men suspected of infiltrating the
United States on Christmas Eve was fabricated by an informant, ABC
News reported."-- FBI Concludes Story About Five Infiltrators Was
Hoax, AFP, January 7, 2003]
["By the middle of this week, they had starred in hundreds of
newspaper and television reports and had been on the lips of
everyone from U.S. President George W. Bush to Senator Hilary
Clinton, who announced at a press conference that they had entered
the United States through Canada."--Peter Cheney and victor Malarek,
The Case of the Five Vanishing Suspects, Globe
and Mail, January 4, 2003]