by Michael Ortiz Hill
Let me be blunt. The man is delusional and the shape of his delusion
is specifically apocalyptic in belief and intent. That Bush would
attack so many vital systems on so many fronts from foreign policy
to the environment may seem confusing from the point of view of
realpolitik but becomes transparent in terms of the apocalyptic
worldview to which he subscribes. All systems are supposed to go
down so the Messiah can come and Bush, seemingly, has taken on the
role of the one who brings this to pass.
["Bush and his foreign-policy team have told a string of traditional
and fact-based lies about Iraq's links to al Qaeda and 9-11, as well
as the magnitude and imminence of the threat Saddam poses to the
United States. Those lies have helped the president gain far greater
support from the public and Congress for his aggressive stance than
he would have garnered with a plain-spoken, straight-shooting
approach. "--Dennis Hans, "Bush
Is Racking Up 'Frequent Liar Miles'," January 17, 2003]