A second edition of "The War on Islam" is expected to be released next week
in the United States and South Africa during the author's two-week lecture tour
-- sponsored by the Human Rights Foundation, South Africa -- to Johannesburg,
Cape Town, and Durban.
"Excellent book," says the foundation's chairman, Dr. M. Adam, it "dispels
the myths and commonly held misconceptions about Islam."
Containing 54 new pages, this edition of "The War on Islam," begins with the
Persian Gulf War of 1991, and ends with the September 11, 2001 attack on
America. It provides alternative perspectives on major events concerning Islam
and Muslims. "With some exceptions," says the author, Enver Masud, "the real war
is neither a war between different races nor different faiths. It is a war
between those driven by greed, and those seeking justice and peace."
The Human Rights Foundation will distribute 5000 copies of "The War on
Islam" in South Africa. "All government officials and embassies, and all . . .
Muslim organizations and other key organizations," will recieve a copy, and so
will "schools and non-profit associations," according to Dr. M. Adam.
The editors of Impact International, a magazine published in England, say:
"Enver Masud gives example after example of disinformation and lies, cover-ups
and double standards."
The All India Conference of Intellectuals says: "The contents of the book
are an eye opener."
Mr. Masud, is founder and CEO of The Wisdom Fund -- www.twf.org -- which
promotes social justice and interfaith understanding by disseminating the truth
about Islam. His analyses and commentary on events affecting the Muslim world
have been published in newspapers and magazines including Washington Report On
Middle East Affairs, Eastern Times, Impact Magazine, The Minaret, Nation &
World, Muslim Observer.
Trained in engineering management, Mr. Masud worked as a consultant for the
World Bank, EBRD and USAID in Albania, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia,
Latvia, Pakistan, Russia, Tanzania, and was employed in management positions by
the U.S. government, the District of Columbia, and the State of Iowa.
The Persian Gulf War, ignited his interest in foreign affairs, and led to
his founding in 1995 of The Wisdom Fund -- a nonprofit corporation, which hosts
visitors from 90 plus countries.