by Inigo Gilmore
A TELEVISION documentary in which Shimon Peres, Israel's foreign minister,
discloses for the first time details about Israel's acquisition of nuclear
weapons is to be broadcast in the Arab world. It is intended, at a time of
rising tensions, as a warning.
In the documentary, Mr Peres goes further than any other Israeli official in
confirming that the Jewish state has a nuclear capability. He and former
French government officials give details about co-operation between Israel
and France in launching Israel's nuclear programme.
The film, made by a leading Israeli documentary team, is a sign that the
government may be finally relaxing its rule of absolute silence on its
nuclear programme. Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at the Dimona nuclear
facility, is serving an 18-year jail sentence for revealing in 1986 that
Israel had a nuclear programme and more than 100 warheads.
The documentary, The Bomb in the Basement: Israel's Nuclear Option, was
shown in Israel last month and is being sold to leading Arabic television
stations including Al-Jazeera, the Qatar-based satellite channel. . . .
[But the real problem that Vanunu represents is that he will remind the
world at a critically important moment in the history of the Middle East
that Israel is a nuclear power and that its warheads stand ready to be fired
from the Negev desert. He will also remind the world that the Americans,
despite battering their way into Iraq to destroy Saddam Hussein's
nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, continue to give their political,
moral and economic support to a country that has secretly amassed a
treasure trove of weapons of mass destruction.--Robert Fisk, "The Man Who Knew Too
Much: The Ordeal of Mordechai Vanunu," Independent, March 26, 2004]
Sharmila Devi, "Vanunu calls for
Israel to destory nuclear reactor," Financial Times, April 19, 2004
Stephen Zunes, "The Release of
Mordechai Vanunu and US Role in Israel's Nuclear Arsenal,",
April 24, 2004
denies nuke spy Vanunu's petition to renounce cititzenship,", June 6, 2012