by Thomas C. Mountain
Almost a month after the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, the FBI
continues to refuse to release any information on the origins of the over
1,000 pounds of C-4 explosive used in the attack.
The FBI, which has a major ongoing problem with Gore campaign and the
White House over fundraising scandals, and the media, which have ignored the
story, seem to be cooperating in an effort to protect or at the very least,
do damage control, on a potentially explosive story questioning the
integrity of the US Armed Forces and Government.
To put it bluntly, C-4, a tightly controlled part of the US Armed Forces
military arsenal, was used to attack a US military target, killing and
wounding scores of American military personnel, and how this came to be
isn't something the American public would be very interested in? Who could
they be protecting, being that the FBI has known for over 3 weeks exactly
where the C-4 came from due to the recorded chemical "fingerprint" unique to
each batch of C-4?
One scenario has the FBI tracing the C-4 to the CIA, which has recently
been caught lying to the courts in a case involving C-4, Khadafi and a CIA
agent named Ed Wilson dating back to the Reagan/Bush administration in the
early 1980"s. One would have to be naive to not at least consider the
possibility that some how something from the Bush Family background with the
CIA has been linked to the C-4 used in the attack on the USS Cole. The FBI
has every reason to stonewall, based on their hatred for the Gore campaign
and the Clinton White House. A story like this breaking in what turned out
to be one of the closest Presidential races in US history could have thrown
the Presidential Election, and even control of the US Senate and House , to
the Democrats.
The last straw for the FBI may have been the knowledge that Clinton was
going to, and did, veto their long sought so called "Official Secrets Act",
the major assault on civil liberties that has been the dream of the FBI for
It seems the media have agreed that this is too hot to
handle, and sometimes in the interest of "democracy" it is
in the best interests of the people "not to know" certain
[Thomas C. Mountain has been a long time activist in environmental, land and
housing, labor, race and international relations.]
["U.S. investigators ... have been told by Yemeni officials that
anti-Western guerrillas had planned to bomb another U.S. destroyer as it
refueled in Aden last January.... A suspect arrested in Yemen had told
officials there that the plot against the destroyer USS The Sullivans
went awry when a small boat loaded with explosives apparently sank
before the attack could be carried out....The attempt had been scheduled
for January 3."--Charles Aldinger, "Yemen Is Told of Earlier Plot
Against a U.S. Ship," Reuters, November 10, 2000]
[Why isn't the U.S. looking for the sunken boat?--The Wisdom Fund]
[The former CIA agent who worked with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York
and New Jersey stated that the USS Cole was hit by a specially-configured Popeye cruise
missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. Israeli tests of the missile
in May 2000 in the waters off Sri Lanka demonstrated it could hit a target 930 miles
away. The ex-CIA agent also stated that Ambassador Bodine threw John O'Neill and his
team out of Yemen lest their investigation began uncovering evidence that the Cole was
not blown up by an explosive-laden boat but by an Israeli cruise missile.--Wayne Madsen, "Clearing the
Baffles for 911,", October 2, 2005]
Enver Masud, "USS Cole: A Diversion, or Casualty of War,"
The Wisdom Fund, October 31, 2000
"USS Cole Suspect:
Torture Elicited Confession," Associated Press, March 30, 2007
[The dismissal of the charges eliminates the need for Monday's hearing but
al-Nashiri would remain in U.S. custody and could be recharged under the
commissions system or a replacement drawn up by the Obama
administration.--Jane Sutton and Andrew Gray, "Judge
drops charges in USS Cole bombing case," Reuters, February 6, 2009]
[The Saudi prisoner awaiting a death-penalty trial for the USS Cole bombing was
tortured physically, mentally and sexually--Carol Rosenberg, "Suspect
in USS Cole bombing was tortured, expert says," Miami Herald, April 24, 2014]
Copyright © 2000 Thomas C. Mountain - All Rights Reserved.