by Eric Margolis
MIAMI -- So, many of the supposed UN arms inspectors in Iraq were actually
American spies. Washington was using the United Nations as a cover to
track and overthrow Saddam Hussein.
The 'inspectors' came from the US Defense Intelligence Agency and were
clearly military men in muffi. Some of them were also working with
Israel's intelligence service. So this column has said for years.
This week, Washington finally admitted it had used UNSCOM, the UN
inspection team headed by Richard Butler, to spy on Iraq. The US media was
suddenly awash with reports that Washington had manipulated the UN to
cover its ongoing efforts to overthrow the Iraqi regime, or keep it
As I've written before, I detest the brutal Iraqi dictatorship - and I
have a very personal reason, as well. When I was in Baghdad in 1990,
during which time I ferreted out information on how Britain and the US had
secretly developed Iraq's chemical and germ warfare programs, the Iraqi
security police threatened to hang me. I've visited Baghdad since 1976 and
seen the sinister works of Saddam's loathsome regime.
But I hate lies and propaganda even more than Saddam Hussein. Much of the
US media has allowed itself to be used as drum beaters for Washington's
intense propaganda war against Iraq. It's high time the American media has
finally exposed the canard that the conflict with Iraq is not "a struggle
between the world community and Saddam," but a self-serving campaign by
the US and Britain to topple a dictator, and former ally, who dared
threaten their commercial interests and strategic domination of the
This week, we also learned from legitimate UN sources in Iraq that the
recent, wag the camel, 'precision' bombing of defenseless Iraq destroyed
at least thirteen schools, an important food storehouse, and the municipal
water system of Baghdad's Karrada suburb, leaving 300,000 people without
clean drinking water. During the 1991 Gulf War, US bombing wrecked
Baghdad's water and sewage systems, creating a grave health crisis for
millions of Iraqi civilians.
Just about everyone, save Iraq's ruling Sunni Muslim minority, would like
to be rid of Saddam Hussein, including fellow Arab rulers, who detest the
inept tyrant that led Iraq and the Mideast into disaster. But the clumsy,
brutish policy being followed by the US and sidekick, Britain, of trying
to starve and beat Iraq to death to get rid of Saddam is clearly
counter-productive and, dare I use the word, immoral. Shattering Iraq
could well produce a second Yugoslavia in the heart of the Mideast. As the
commander of US forces in the Mideast recently noted, in a remarkably
candid admission, a chaotic Iraq without Saddam could be more dangerous
than one with him.
This week, France strongly denounced the recent bombing as unacceptable US
and British unilateralism that was opposed by the other members of the UN
Security Council, as well as the General Assembly. The French, who
invented modern diplomacy, called for a negotiated settlement that would
fairly monitor Iraq's weapons programs, while allowing Baghdad to resume
full oil exports. Washington and London immediately dismissed the sensible
French proposal.
It's amazing how all the usual liberal American voices that call for
mediation and compromise in the world's conflicts fall suddenly silent
when it comes to Iraq. Clinton's diplomatic opening this week to Cuba was
hailed by the same people who call for the continued punishment and
isolation of Iraq. Yet the Clinton Administration has offered North Korea,
a nation that threatens to use nuclear, chemical, and, possibly,
biological weapons, against US troops, South Korea, and Japan, a massive
bribe of $2.6 billion to be good. Why not adopt the same approach to Iraq?
Saddam is unlikely to be overthrown anytime soon. US efforts to subvert
his draconian regime have been expensive, comical failures. The current US
policy of bombing Iraq every few months, is futile and wrong, an exercise
in gunboat diplomacy worthy of 19th Century imperialist Great Britain, not
the world's greatest democracy and defender of human rights.
Responsibility for the deaths 500,000 Iraqi children from disease and
malnutrition - these are UN figures - must be equally shared by Saddam and
the US government. The continued torment of Iraq is provoking rage against
Americans across the Muslim world.
Why not follow France's intelligent demarche by tying Iraqi oil exports to
the total dismantling of its small, remaining strategic weapon's arsenal -
supervised by truly neutral inspectors selected by the full Security
Council? The claim Saddam will use oil income to swiftly rebuild his
forces is nonsense. It will take Iraq years to refurbish its damaged,
decayed oil infrastructure. A naval surveillance force can easily prevent
North Korea, the sole potential supplier of heavy arms, missiles, and
nuclear technology to Iraq, from delivering weapons by sea. The US has
ample power to deter other would-be sellers of strategic weapons from
rearming Iraq.
America has so demonized Saddam it can no longer deal rationally with
Iraq. Let Europe take the diplomatic lead in returning Iraq to at least
semi-civilized behavior, and alleviating the suffering of its people. If
ending Cuba's economic isolation will help bring democracy, as Washington
now contends, why not Iraq?
[Eric Margolis is a syndicated foreign affairs columnist and broadcaster based
in Toronto, Canada.]
[NSA and CIA . . . decided to secretly bug an existing system of remote
television cameras installed by the UN--James Bamford, "A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America's
Intelligence Agencies," Doubleday (June 8, 2004), p. 387]
Copyright © 1999 Eric Margolis - All Rights