WASHINGTON, DC -- President Clinton has failed the fundamental test for Chief Executive Officers.
The primary function of the CEO of any organization is to define the vision and values of the organization.
After almost six years in office, President Clinton's vision for the United States remains undefined.
His values, what we know of them, are unacceptable.
[In 1993, he pursued George H W Bush's invasion of Somalia. He invaded Haiti
in 1994. He bombed Bosnia in 1995 and Serbia in 1999. In 1998, he bombed
Afghanistan; and, at the height of his Monica Lewinsky troubles, he
momentarily diverted the headline writers to a major "terrorist target" in
Sudan that he ordered destroyed with an onslaught of missiles. It turned out
to be sub-Saharan Africa's largest pharmaceutical plant, the only source of
chloroquine, the treatment for malaria, and other drugs that were lifelines
to hundreds of thousands. As a result, wrote Jonathan Belke, then of the
Near East Foundation, "tens of thousands of people - many of them children -
have suffered and died from malaria, tuberculosis and other treatable
Long before Shock and Awe, Clinton was destroying and killing in Iraq. Under
the lawless pretence of a "no-fly zone", he oversaw the longest allied
aerial bombardment since the Second World War. This was hardly reported. At
the same time, he imposed and tightened a Washington-led economic siege
estimated to have killed a million civilians. "We think the price is worth
it," said his secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, in an exquisite moment
of honesty.--John Pilger, "Good
Ol' Bill, The Liberal Hero," New Statesman, August 9, 2007]
This blockbuster exposé reveals the mysterious multimillion-dollar Foundation gift from
an obscure Indian politician that coincided with Senator Clinton's reversal on the
nuclear nonproliferation treaty; how Secretary of State Clinton was involved in allowing
the transfer of what was projected to be 50 percent of US domestic uranium output to the
Russian government; how multimillion-dollar contracts for Haiti disaster relief were
awarded to donors and friends of Hillary and Bill--Peter Schweizer, "Clinton
Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make
Bill and Hillary Rich," Harper Paperbacks; Reprint edition (July 26, 2016)
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